Ylang Ylang 15ml
Ylang Ylang 15ml
Ylang Ylang essential oil, traditionally known for its romantic appeal has a calming and balancing aroma for a smooth and happy heart. It also promotes the appearance of healthy-looking skin and shiny hair.
Originally native to Southeast Asia, ylang ylang is now also grown in Madagascar, the Comoro Islands, and Ecuador. Belonging to the custard apple family, a mature tree can reach a height of up to 39 feet and produce thousands of vibrant, fragrant, yellow-green blooms. Traditionally used in hair formulas to promote shiny, lustrous hair, Ylang Ylang essential oil has a sweet, floral aroma that was historically believed to balance yin and yang. A common ingredient in perfumes and personal care products, Ylang Ylang essential oil adds a luxurious and romantic aroma, while also providing benefits to skin and hair. Ylang Ylang was one of Founder D. Gary Young’s favorite essential oils.
Topical: Dilute 1 drop with 1 drop of V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex and apply as needed.
Aromatic: Diffuse up to 1 hour 3 times daily.
Has a romantic, sweet, floral aroma
Helps create a calming environment when diffused
Supports the appearance of healthy skin when applied topically
Promotes the appearance of healthy, shiny hair
One of D. Gary Young’s favorite essential oils
Apply Ylang Ylang to your wrists and neck for a calming, floral fragrance that you can enjoy throughout the day.
Add a few drops to your facial serum or moisturizer to promote the appearance of radiant, glowing skin.
Add it to lotion or V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex and use for a massage.
Mix 1–3 drops with coconut oil and apply it to hair for an aromatic deep-conditioning treatment.
Add it to a hot bath to create a relaxing atmosphere to help you unwind after a long day.
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